Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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All directories on Aminet
new Upload area
priv Private uploads
recent Files uploaded the last seven days
biz Business software
biz/dbase Data base software
biz/demo Demo versions of commercial software
biz/misc Misc business type soft
biz/patch Commercial software patches
comm Communications
comm/bbs BBS programs
comm/cnet CNET BBS related
comm/dlg DLG BBS related
comm/envoy Envoy network software
comm/fido FIDO software
comm/mail Mailing soft
comm/misc Misc communications
comm/net Networking
comm/news Newsreaders
comm/tcp AmiTCP networking
comm/term Terminal programs
comm/ums Universal Message System
comm/uucp UUCP software
demo Gfx and sound demos
demo/aga Demos requiring AGA chipset
demo/euro Euro demos in file form
demo/mag Demo coder magazines
demo/mega Euro demos requiring floppies
demo/slide Image oriented demos
demo/sound Sound oriented demos
demo/tg93 The Gathering 1993 demos
dev Development software
dev/amos AMOS BASIC compiler
dev/asm Assembly language related
dev/basic BASIC language related
dev/c C language related
dev/cross Cross development
dev/debug Debugging software
dev/e E language related
dev/gcc GNU C compiler
dev/gui GUI builders
dev/lang Various languages
dev/m2 Modula-2 related
dev/misc Misc development software
dev/moni Monitors/disassemblers
dev/obero Oberon related software
dev/src Tutorial sources
disk Disk/Harddisk tools
disk/bakup Backup software
disk/cache Disk caching
disk/cdrom CD-ROM related software
disk/misc Various disk related tools
disk/moni Disk monitors
disk/optim Disk optimizers
disk/salv Disk recovery software
docs Text documents
docs/anno Announcement documents
docs/help Help on various issues
docs/hyper Hypertext documents
docs/mags Magazines
docs/misc Various documents
docs/rview Amiga product reviews
fish Fish disks
fish/docs Fish content descriptions
game Games
game/2play 2 and more player games
game/demo Demos of commercial games
game/gag Gag programs
game/hint Game hint documents
game/jump Jump-n-run games
game/misc Miscellaneous games
game/patch Patches for games
game/role Role, adventure games
game/shoot Shoot-em-up games
game/think Mind games
gfx Graphics
gfx/3d 3D graphics software
gfx/3dobj 3D objects
gfx/aga AGA chip set softwaare
gfx/anim Animations
gfx/board Custom gfx board software
gfx/conv Gfx conversion tools
gfx/edit Paint programs
gfx/fract Fractals and Mandelbrots
gfx/misc Misc graphics software
gfx/pbm Pbm+ gfx conversion
gfx/show Image/anim displayers
gfx/x11 Amiga X-Windows
hard Hardware
hard/drivr Drivers for hardware
hard/hack Selfmade hardware
hard/misc Misc hardware related files
info General FTP information
info/adt Machine readable filelists
info/sites Info on other FTP sites
info/start Beginner information
info/stats Statistics about this site
misc Miscellaneous
misc/amag German Amiga Mag PD
misc/antiq Nostalgic stuff
misc/edu Educational software
misc/emu Emulations
misc/math Mathematics
misc/misc Uncategorizable
misc/sci Scientific software
misc/unix Amiga related UNIX software
mods Music modules
mods/8voic 8-voiced songs
mods/abc Modules a..c
mods/chart Module hits
mods/def Modules d..f
mods/ephnx Modules from Euphonix
mods/ghi Modules g..i
mods/jkl Modules j..l
mods/mno Modules m..o
mods/med MED modules
mods/misc Miscellaneous songs
mods/pqr Modules p..r
mods/pro Protracker songs
mods/spark Modules by P.D. Spark
mods/sidew Modules by Sidewinder
mods/st Soundtracker
mods/stu Modules s..u
mods/vwx Modules v..z
mus Musical software
mus/edit Composing software
mus/midi MIDI software
mus/misc Miscellaneous
mus/play Sound players
mus/smpl Sound samples
pix Pictures
pix/bill Bill Graham traces
pix/guard Guardians traces
pix/icon Icons and backdrops
pix/illu Illustrations
pix/irc The people on IRC
pix/misc Miscellaneous images
pix/trace Raytraced pictures
pix/wb Famous Peoples WBs
text Text related
text/dtp Desk top publishing
text/font Fonts of all formats
text/hyper Hypertext tools
text/misc Misc text software
text/print Printing tools
text/show Text displayers
text/tex TeX formatting package
util Utilities
util/app Appicons, appwindows
util/arc Archivers
util/batch Script software
util/boot Startup sequence software
util/blank Screen blankers
util/cdity Commodity type software
util/cli Command line interface
util/conv File conversion
util/crypt Encryption tools
util/dir Directory utilities
util/edit Editors
util/gnu GNU utilities
util/libs Libraries
util/misc Miscellaneous
util/moni System monitors
util/mouse Mouse accelerators
util/pack Packers
util/rexx AREXX tools
util/shell Shells
util/virus Virus checkers
util/wb Workbench utilities